Welcome to the


Table is an invitation to nourish your body, to slow down, to enjoy locally grown and produced food.

Whether you prefer to light a candle and enjoy your meal by yourself, the first moment of quiet and reflection for the day, or it fills your heart to share your meal with a friend or family with lively chatter, my wish is that this service will allow you to care for yourself in the deepest way possible. 

Baking is my favorite form of art.

the place I feel
the most free + excited.

Hi, I’m Chelsea!

I’m a self-taught baker + cook, having spent years practicing my craft.

My interest in cooking and baking initially began as an exploration of the local food system. As I became more aware of seasonal foods and shared conversations with local farmers and producers my curiosities led me to the kitchen where I experimented and learned.

I was a special education teacher for fourteen years before

I decided to follow a dream.

I have always loved creating meals and desserts and feeding my friends and family. My dream was to share that joy with you.

I am the mother to two amazing children who you will likely see helping at the farmers market or making deliveries with me.

When I’m not in the kitchen, you can find me in the mountains, checking out local farmers markets or coffee shops and breweries. I love being active and playing outside.

Creating and sharing food was born as a way for me to take care of others, which is my most valued role. 

Perhaps greater than that though, is my desire to help you care for yourself. I hope you feel nourished, heart and body, with the food I create and that feeling fills you up and shines out into the rest of your life and world.